Burmese Cats: Cats that Act Like Dogs
Burmese Cats: Cats that Act Like Dogs
When I started doing this, I had cats from various American catteries, Laki (Barbara Kish), Incapaisely (Phyllis Wilson), Madame Butterfly (Lee Cunningham), and Okey-dokey (Jolyn Page) included. When the problem with inbreeding in Burmese cats raised its ugly head, I began importing Burmese cats from Thailand. Since then I have imported over 40 cats from Thailand, each adding to the genetic diversity of my cats. My cats are now about 90% Thai Burmese and 10% American Burmese.
My aim was to make healthy Burmese cats. Much has been learned along the way. One the thing that I discovered about cats in Thailand was if they have a choice, they do not mate within their family. It is their nature to seek out unrelated mates. The girls will go outside their colony and mate with a male cat from another colony. In short, they do not mate incestuously. I think the problems we see in the Burmese and Tonkinese cats in America is that these cats are the product of incestuous breeding. I believe in working with nature, and never against it. Since Thai cats do not mate within their family, we do not breed related cats.
So our cats have many unrelated ancestors! Below you will see the ancestors of the Indian Spring Cats.
If you want to know more about what I do here and why I do it, explore my articles. I try to write up what I have learned and make that knowledge available to anyone who is interested.
Alphonse and Pansy make a handsome couple with their stunning eyes.
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Randall has the sweetest disposition, just about as loving a cat as we have met. He carries one copy of the cinnamon gene, a version of the Champagne gene, and this influences his champagne color. His coat is a rich deep cinnamon brown.
Randall is a new boy for us in 2023. He's a first generation result from a Thai and American Burmese cross adding another set of unrelated bloodlines to our breeding program.
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Alphonse is a big handsome lug of a stud. With stunning blue eyes and a gentle demeanor. He is truly a big boi, and well built - definitely into his strength training routine.
Alphonse has many generations of imported Thai blood in his family tree. He takes good care of his girls and passes down some spectacular eye color.
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Vlad is an oddity here because he is imported, but not from Thailand, but rather from Eastern Europe. He is floppy as the day is long. He just flops when you pick him up. When he arrived I thought he was a blue Burmese. But, his in fact a blue point Siamese.
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Choco is from Thailand and we are waiting to get his genetic tests back. It appears like he is a champagne Burmese but he totally lacks points we will soon know. He is the nicest cat in the world. He just loves to be held and hugged all the time. He is a little bit adventurous. Though he has a house, girl friends, children to tend and a yard, he is always trying to escape when I go in to see him. He is clearly interested in what the outside world has to offer. In this case, it would be wolves, foxes, and coyotes. None of which would want to be his friend.
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Patel was a fabulous stud. He has a really famous pedigree! Part of of his family comes from the Thai Cat Center in Bangkok and part of it some from Phyllis Wilson's line of stunning American sable Burmese.
He has retired now, but we were sure to keep his genes around, keeping four daughters from him we keep his calm, people loving personality as well as his deep rich sable coat in so many of his grandchildren and great grand children.
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Ivan Ivanovich is one fabulous cat. I can't say he is the brightest cat in the world, but sometimes having a slow-moving, permanently happy cat is an advantage. Though he may not be college material, he does have really great hair. It's lush and thick, kind of like clipped velvet. He is a platinum and I don't even know how to describe his eyes. They have a lot of colors going on, all at the same time. He is housemates with Phyllis and Bug Eyes, who adore him. He would be more about good looks than good conversation, but his sister-wives don't seem to mind.
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Monkey Dog came from the famous Thai Cat Center in Ampawa, Thailand. He is the product of the breeding program of Kahmnan Preecha.
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Abraham is a imported Bangkok Mocha. He was a street cat picked up as a kitten and sent to me as a young male. He fathered many litters before he was retired.
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Barnabas is the son of Daphne and Monkey Dog. Genetically he is natural mink Tonkinese.
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Brownie is a big sable Burmese stud from Thailand. He weighs 18 pounds and is solid muscle. He makes big, big babies!
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David is an imported sable Burmese. He is huge. He weighs 19 pounds. Surprisingly, he carries the blue gene and has produced many big blue babies. This pleases me greatly because my first Burmese was an 18 pound blue male!
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Dog is a Siamese boy I imported from Thailand. He got his name because he is the most dog like off all the cats I have imported. He is a dog in every sense of the word. Though it will take some breeding to get back to Burmese, his kittens are sensational. This is a case where I selected Dog for breeding because he gives his kitten a top shelf personality.
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Ding Bat got his name because he is the worlds biggest ding bat. He just runs into walls, forgets what he is doing, and is an all around goof. He is a Korat that carries Burmese I imported from Thailand. He throws some beautiful sable kittens. You would never know their dad was this slate blue Korat.
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Morris is the child of Abraham and Tilda. He is a Bangkok Mocha with the most stunning eyes. His nature is loving and pushy, just how I like them.
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Othello is a platinum boy out of Phyllis Wilsons Incapaisley cattery. Phylllis sought to preserve the deep brown sables found in the original Burmese cats from the original Burmese breeding programs in California. Though Othello is a platinum, he produces cats of the deepest chocolate brown. Phyllis liked big eyes and Othello certainly has those. His daughter Bug Eyes, inherited her big eyes from him!
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Red Dirt could pass for a sable Thai Burmese cat. But in fact, he is a Bangkok Mocha, just a very dark one. He has the most stunning turquoise eyes. The Bangkok Mocha's as a general rule have stunning eyes.
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George is a sable Burmocha. He really reminds me of the 1980's Burmese. He is very brown and has a characteristic cat face. The odd thing about him is this. He is ok looking and he has an ok personality. In truth, he is very average. I only planned to keep him for one litter because he carried some genes I wanted to keep. But that first litter was sensational. Odd because he is not. However, every litter he has is both stunning and are personality plus. This is odd, but, he makes great babies and that is what we do.
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It took a lot of work to make Isaacle. When I first started working with the Bangkok Mocha gene, I only had sable Bangkok Mochas. It took four generations to breed in enough color to produce a platinum Bangkok Mocha. Isaacle is a real looker and has a very intelligent personality. This is one smart cat and his children inherit his intelligence.
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Pansy is a remarkable Blue (dilute) Bangkok Mocha. She has a color you will never have seen before. The Mocha gene's effect on her blue coat and her eye color are just stunning. Greenish blue eyes and a lavender coat. Very friendly, very smart, and a great mom.
Estelle is a purr machine, literally. She doesn't even wait to be picked up. When she sees you, she starts purring and continues until you pick her up. It's probably manipulation on her part. I keep telling her that she should wait to purr until contact has been made with the person, but she has not taken this advice. She sees, she purrs, she conquers. She is quietly the boss of the pride, letting the others know she is in charge with the occasional light smack on their face. She is half Thai and half American Burmese. She is also the mother of the year. She loves having babies and being pregnant. So much so, I had to put her on vacation as she has no off button when it comes to having babies.
Golda is one pushy cat. She had to be trained not to jump up on people's legs! She just loves people and cannot get enough of them and it took a little work for her to learn they were not there for her pleasure. She follows me wherever I go and has no problem ramming a door if it is between me and her. Whenever a new person comes over, she jumps on their lap and introduces herself. She is half Thai and half American Burmese.
She also likes to see her babies where she likes to keep her babies.
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BB is a Thai Siamocha, at least genetically, and has the most stunning eyes. She lives with her two sisters, Maude and Sarah. She is a little shy and lets her sisters go out front. But, she waits patiently to be picked up and carried around. She is patient. Though she she sneaks in and jumps on your lap whenever she gets the chance.
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Words cannot describe the sweet, gentle nature of this cat. She lives with her two half sisters. They all have the same Thai dad. She might be called Dog 2 because she follows you around until you pick her up. She loves attention. But, I have never seen her bring out her claws. A true gentlewoman of the cat kind.
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Violet is a very beautiful blue-blue-eyed cat. She and her friend, Lilac, are quite the team. She is the relaxed one with the Olympic purring skill and her roommate is the athlete. She walks over to Lilac and licks her ears and is the portrait of a mother cat. Everything, in her mind, is a baby and needs to be cleaned and watched over. Great cat.
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We met Screech in Thailand and I immediately had to have her. She was perhaps the most peculiar looking cat I had ever seen. I suspected she was a tortie-sable burmese, but imagined she had some other things going on. And boy does she. Her litters range from deep sables to red boys. In her last litter she had this sable boy that looked like a beagle.
But, Screech thinks she is beautiful and acts like she is the most beautiful cat in the world. She has a habit of yelling at me, which is funny. If I stop petting her, she yells. If I don't pick her up, she yells. This cat is very vocal as are her kittens. The start chirping shortly after birth and I suspect keep it up.
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You can't really see it in this picture, but Maude is one hefty cat. She is down right chubby. Its very unusual in a Thai-Burmese hybrid but she is a chunky monkey. She is sister of BB and Sarah and is very, very pushy. She will head butt you until you pick her up. Utterly silent. Never makes a noise. But, she is under foot at all times. Fantastic cat.
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Mittens and Tilda are what we are calling Bangkok cats. When I began importing cats from Thailand, I started getting some off-colored kittens which blew up the genetic tests at UC Davis. They didn't know what to make of them so just stopped communicating with me. I found a lab in England that was a lot more helpful and it turned out I had accidentally found a new "Thai" color. It is not new in the sense it has existed in Thailand since forever, it just happened that I got three street cats the carried this never-before-discovered gene. As you can see, they have like a cream-colored coat and very blue eyes. These two girls have the most fabulous kittens. My sister has one, Jaspar, and you can see him below with his best friend the French Bulldog. He is so good natured he lets the dog bath him from head to toe.
This new Thai color gene, called the cm gene, is responsible for some of the whacky colors I get in my litters. They are beautiful but most importantly, they make great kittens that make great pets.
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Daphne is one of the first cats I imported from Thailand. She came from The Thai Cat Center in Ampawa. She carries both the burmese gene and the champagne gene. She was a fantastic mother and made a whole lot of fantastic blue Burmese babies!
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Baby is an all American Burmese from the Laki cattery. She is the sweetest cat in the world, and just loves to be held and carried around. Which is how she got her name. What a great cat.
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Bug Eyes was born here and from the time she was a little kitten, she had the biggest eyes you can imagine. So I called her bug eyes. For a long time she looked like an alien but she has grown into a very pretty cat. Her father was Othello, a platinum stud from Phyllis Wilson. Phyllis kept the the Ali Baba super dark sables going in her line, and, Bug inherited her dark coat from those old California lines which regarded almost black dark sables highly.
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Pig is from Thailand and is a sable Bangkok Mocha. She has the dreamiest blue eyes and rich tan coat. The tan coat sets the Bangkok Mochas apart. She is a pretty typical Thai girl, smart, loving, and a great mother. She is a little sneaky..... so you have to keep your eyes out to see what she is getting up to as it will be something.
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Dan is from Thailand. My contact Bew found her for me. She was rescued in every sense of the word. She did not have a great start in life. However, true to form with Thai cats, despite not getting enough love as a kitten, she is the most incredibly loving cat. She is just a lovely soul. She is a Burmocha, carrying both the Burmese and the Bangkok Mocha gene.
Crystal is from Thailand. You may have noticed she does not look like a Burmese cat. She is a Khaomanee. She is white with odd eyes. This is a Thai cat, and, I thought it was time we added some of these genes to the program. Some of her kittens will be with with odd eyes, and some of them will be Tonkinese.
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Borisita carries the Silver gene found in Burmilla and other white tipped cats. Underneath her silver coat she is a Natural Mink Tonkinese. She comes from a Thai Burmocha mom and a Burmilla father. A princess of a cat with the look of a snow leopard, she always has the happiest, most playful kittens.
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Kiwi is a platinum Burmocha. When you see her next to her half sister, a full Burmese, you would never know they were genetically different. And this is the thing I have learned about the Bangkok Mocha gene. It can and will hide. Most of the time, you would not know cats carried it. Which is probably why it remained undetected for so long.
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Often called Blue la Deux, this gorgeous girl is a blue SiaMocha. So handsome I consider her one of our supermodels with stunning blue eyes and a lush velvet coat.
She's a great mom with good sized litters loves to co-mother kittens with her sisterwives.
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